*backup of reviung files obtain here
- C:\Users\chino\Desktop\flash bluetooth
- C:\Users\chino\Desktop\flash bluetooth\nicenao reviung
- remember to replace for build yml, conf, keymap, nice_nano v2 overlay, (and nice_nanov2.conf? - for underglow)
- nicenanov2 conf copy from board.conf? (y-correct)
- nicenanov2 overlay copy from C:\Users\chino\ZMK\app\boards\shields\reviung41\boards
A. cmd, powershell,
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://zmk.dev/setup.ps1'))
copy relevant files to github and wait for action
B. relevant files obtain here:
1. Copy build.yml from
2. Edit sofle config from
(.conf and .keymap)
C. Go to zmk-config in github
- copy build yml to workflows
- copy conf and keymap to config
- check out where is nice_nano v2 overlay?
*overlay config
- found left and right overlay config
- rename to left and right nicenano config and overlay?
*failed above (generate bluemicro lols)
west build -d build/left -b nice_nano_v2 -- -DSHIELD=sofle_left
west build -d build/right -b nice_nano_v2 -- -DSHIELD=sofle_right
west build -b
nrfmicro_13 -- -DSHIELD=reviung41
cmd>powershell, cd zmk, cd app
*list of command here: https://zmk.dev/docs/hardware
nice!nano v2 (Board: nice_nano_v2)
nRFMicro 1.3/1.4 (Board: nrfmicro_13)
Corne (Shields: corne_left, corne_right)
Lily58 (Shields: lily58_left, lily58_right)
Sofle (Shields: sofle_left, sofle_right)
REVIUNG41 (Shield: reviung41)
issue (solved)
CMake Error at C:/Users/chino/ZMK/zephyr/cmake/kconfig.cmake:265 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/Users/chino/ZMK/zephyr/cmake/app/boilerplate.cmake:536 (include)
C:/Users/chino/ZMK/zephyr/share/zephyr-package/cmake/ZephyrConfig.cmake:24 (include)
C:/Users/chino/ZMK/zephyr/share/zephyr-package/cmake/ZephyrConfig.cmake:35 (include_boilerplate)
CMakeLists.txt:17 (find_package)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 1: 'C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.EXE' '-DWEST_PYTHON=c:\python39\python.exe' '-BC:\Users\chino\ZMK\app\build\left' '-SC:\Users\chino\ZMK\app' -GNinja -DBOARD=nice_nano_v2 -DSHIELD=sofle_left
(failed to generate u2f locally)
Updates 2022-01-08
cmd, powershell,cd zmk, cd app
west build -d build/left -b nice_nano_v2 -- -DSHIELD=sofle_left
west build -d build/right -b nice_nano_v2 -- -DSHIELD=sofle_right
left and right u2f generated with common name