#always credit to Cheah Alec for helping out
Prepare json layout
the original info.json layout needs to be modified.
Draw your layout and keys arragenment here in keyboard-layout-editor.com
a) download the json file, copy the keymap portion
b) copy raw data, paste to https://kbfirmware.com/, check wiring, showing rows and columns matrix
b) matrix check from config h.
#define MATRIX_ROWS 7
#define MATRIX_COLS 6
using two info above to change your info.json (copy to /vial folder), rename to vial.json.
looks something like this:
"keyboard_name": "reviung41",
"url": "",
"maintainer": "gtips",
"width": 13,
"height": 4.54,
"matrix": {
"rows": 5,
"cols": 14
"layouts": {
"LAYOUT_reviung41": {
"key_count": 41,
"layout": [
{"label":"K00", "x":0, "y":0.54},
{"label":"K01", "x":1, "y":0.36},
{"label":"K02", "x":2, "y":0.18},....
"keymap": [
"rx": 1,
"y": 4.85,
"x": 5.25,
"w": 2
],... }
mousekey issue inspired from discord
In vial-qmk\quantum\qmk_settings.c this segment:
static void mousekey_apply(void) {
mk_delay = QS.mousekey_delay / 10;
mk_interval = QS.mousekey_interval;
mk_max_speed = QS.mousekey_max_speed;
mk_time_to_max = QS.mousekey_time_to_max;
mk_wheel_delay = QS.mousekey_wheel_delay / 10;
mk_wheel_interval = QS.mousekey_wheel_interval;
mk_wheel_max_speed = QS.mousekey_wheel_max_speed;
mk_wheel_time_to_max = QS.mousekey_wheel_time_to_max;
is causing issues
Finally! Thanks again for Alec.
Also keep referring and studying the old messages in vial.